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Watermark remover
Photos are watermarked most often for copyright protection. It symbolizes the monetary value of one person’s creative genius. As we all know, almost nothing in the world, especially not works of art, can be acquired for free. If you’re reading this article, then I believe you must have your own personal or business reasons for wanting to learn to remove watermarks. I hope though, for the sake of the artists and your own, that it’s not just to save a few extra dollars on high quality, creative masterpieces. If it strikes you, I’m pretty sure it’s worth it. For purposes of discussion, here are a few tips on Watermark remover depending on the tools you have at hand.
1. Just crop it!
Where is the watermark located? Some watermarks could simply be found in the upper right or lower portion of the photo. If you’re in a hurry to complete a presentation or to send a creative brief, just crop out the watermark without doing much damage to the original essence of the photo. You can crop photos in Paint, Microsoft Picture Manager or even directly from PowerPoint.
2. App it away!
There are several apps available for download online that can help you clear up watermarked photos. One example is Photo Stamp Remover. The name gives it away. It cleans up your watermarked photos in no time. Just like any other editing software, the Photo Stamp Remover / Watermark Remover will require you to select the watermarked area in your uploaded photo. Use the marker tool to as a Watermark Remover. Make sure that you select as precisely as you can the watermarked area only to avoid damaging other portions of the photo. Once you’ve carefully outlined the watermark, click Remove, and your photo will look as good as new. Other similar apps are SoftOrbits Photo Retoucher and PDF Logo Watermark Remover created especially for the Watermark Remover in PDF files.
3. Photoshop and Ready
In this day and age of technology and the widespread creation of virtual personas, Photoshop has become a tool not just for creative professionals but also for the young and young-at-heart. It has extended its reach far beyond the walls of media and advertising. It has infiltrated homes with the rising demand for Instagram-able posts and likeable profile pictures for Facebook and Twitter. It is no surprise then that Photoshop also has an answer for your watermark dilemma. There are two possible ways to remove watermarks in Photoshop.
4. Content-Aware Fill
Once you’ve opened the image, use the Magic Wand tool to select the watermarked area. Click on Select – Modify and select Expand. Expand the area by 1 pixel higher to be able to fully capture all the pixels in the area of the watermark. After that, go to Edit – Fill and make sure that Content-Aware is selected from the Content dropdown box. Click ok. You’ll then see that watermark vanish into thin air.
5. Clone Stamp
If you’ve got a little more time and what to make sure that you’ve covered all the bases, this option is for you. Open your image in Photoshop and right-click on the layer and select Duplicate Layer. This will give you a copy of your picture which you can start working on. Choose the clone stamp from your tools and zoom in on the image. Basically what it does is to copy a certain portion of the photo and allows you to stamp it on another area. By now I’m sure you’ve understood what’s going to happen. Hold the Alt key to select an area and then release, then stamp this area on to your watermark with a left click. The trick is to zoom in the area as big as you can for a more accurate touch. This option is not for the impatient so work with care! Good luck on being able to recreate your watermarked photos to their original glory. Just remember however, if it’s not yours, then it’s best to pay because surely, you’ll be paying for quality!
How to remove watermark from Photoshop CS6:
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